CLAYTON CRAMER NOTES a rather dramatic firsthand blog report of shooting a burglar in self-defense.

I have no reason to doubt the report, though I don’t know the blogger. And I regard shooting a burglar as a virtuous — not merely a permissible — act. But my advice to anyone else in that situation is to think long and hard before blogging something like that, at least until you’ve spoken to a lawyer and the dust has cleared. In my part of the country, even a dubious shooting of a burglar probably wouldn’t bring prosecution — grand juries won’t indict, and juries won’t convict, under those circumstances. It’s not that way everywhere, by any means, and the authorities can be astonishing in their willingness to expend far more energy prosecuting someone who defends his home against criminals than they are willing to spend on the criminals themselves.

UPDATE: The author says he’s quit blogging in response to hatemail. Some people are wondering if the story’s true. I have no way of knowing, of course. You can visit his blog and scroll down to see the various developments.

Meanwhile, Kim du Toit is collecting these stories.

ANOTHER UPDATE: In the comments section at Spoons’ place, Mrs. du Toit says she thinks it’s bogus.