IT’S (UN)OFFICIAL: CNN and Fox are both calling the recall successful, with Schwarzenegger elected. The racial privacy initiative, which was polling well a while back, is projected by CNN to fail. (Interestingly, CNN says that women went for Schwarzenegger by a decent margin over Bustamante despite the late-breaking grope scandal. But you knew that anyway, because I had already disclosed my scientific exit-polling results.)

Congrats, Arnold. Now all you have to do is govern the most ungovernable state in America!

UPDATE: Most interesting bit so far: someone noted that according to the exit polls, Schwarzenegger and McClintock together got nearly 60% of the vote. That’s got to have a lot of California Democrats worried.

How much should people trust the exit polls? I don’t know. This is a rather, ahem, atypical election. On the other hand, the margins seem pretty big.