British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has accused French leaders of suffering from an anti-American “neurosis” leading one tabloid newspaper to warn that Straw had triggered an “astonishing diplomatic row”. . . .

Asked why there had been so much friction between London and Paris over the years, Straw reportedly replied:

“A great many of the difficulties that have faced the relationship go back to the profoundly different experiences that we had in the war, with, quotes, Britain standing alone, and quotes, France capitulating and surrendering to the Germans.” . . .

“There isn’t any question but that a significant part of the way in which the French political diplomatic class defines itself is against America, and this has been a continuing neurosis amongst the French political class for many decades,” Straw was quoted as saying.

That pretty well covers it, I think.

UPDATE: Sylvain Galineau says Jack Straw is right.