“UNFAIR, UNBALANCED, AND AFRAID:” Josh Chafetz of OxBlog has the cover story in the latest Weekly Standard. It’s about the ongoing unravelling of the BBC:

The testimony so far has not been flattering to the BBC (or the government). Charges and countercharges of corruption fill the front pages of the papers. (Had TV cameras been allowed into the Royal Courts of Justice, where the witnesses are testifying, the BBC might have unwittingly produced and starred in a hugely popular reality TV show.) It turns out that what a captive audience gets from a media megalith with a government-enforced subsidy is exactly what a beginning student of economics would predict: The BBC may be arrogant, but it’s also incompetent, not to mention surly and evasive when criticized.

It’s a short road from the BBC to the DMV.

UPDATE: This post has led one reader to email in defense of the DMV.