I HAVE SNATCHED THE PEBBLE FROM THE MASTER’S HAND: Just read what Mickey Kaus writes about my post on Arnold and Iraq.
UPDATE: I should note, in light of something Kaus says further down, that I’m not pinning a lot of hope on a Bush “rope-a-dope” strategy of revealing WMD evidence in the fall. Actually, I’ve been quite skeptical of that, but have noted in recent posts that there does seem to be some evidence supporting it. That’s not the same thing.
Kaus quotes an Iraqi saying that there were never any weapons of mass destruction. That can’t be true, as (1) Saddam used ’em; and (2) UN Inspectors saw ’em. So where did they go? Did Saddam secretly get rid of them while pretending to still have them, even to the point of flagrantly obstructing inspectors so as to make it look as if he had something to hide? Hard to believe, but if so it was the mother of all miscalculations!
ANOTHER UPDATE: Read this, too.