I’M HEADING OFF ON VACATION: I’ll be off laundering the millions in tipjar contributions scuba diving in the Cayman Islands until July 3d.

Anyway, I’m not taking a computer, and I won’t be blogging unless something big happens. Really big. Email sent while I’m gone will likely be be unanswered and unread. But Eugene Volokh will be guest-blogging over at GlennReynolds.com, and my TechCentralStation column will run on Wednesday as usual. It’s about mind uploading.

Have a nice week, and enjoy the many fine blogs linked over on the left.

And in keeping with Dan Drezner’s post, here’s a list of some books I’m taking with me, though I’m afraid it’s a somewhat less elevated list — but then I am going to a tropical island, while he is on a “working” vacation.

Ken MacLeod, The Cassini Division — I’ve read the earlier parts of his future history, now looking alarmingly accurate in some ways, and so I’m continuing the cycle.

The Lost Coast and The Straight Man by Roger Simon. ‘Nuff said. (I’ve already read his newest book, Director’s Cut, which sucked me into the Moses Wine world and then sent me back to start from the beginning with The Big Fix.

And, finally, on the off-chance that I feel like doing something constructive, I’m taking the manuscript for Jeffrey Stout’s forthcoming book, Democracy and Tradition. I’m rather a fan of his even though we come at things from a different perspective.

So long — have a good week!