MORE CRUSHING OF DISSENT, this time at Yale.

UPDATE: Apparently, the Yale I.T. people say the email in question was a hoax.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Or maybe not. Eliana Johnson emails:

Ithought you might be interested to know, though, that the e-mail was not a hoax. I’m not sure where the message you posted came from, but professor Qumsiyeh admitted he sent the e-mail, sent a number of inadequate retractions and apologies, and was interviewed about the incident in a story for the NY Sun written a couple weeks ago. The administration initially told me that it may be a hoax the day after it went out–I guess somebody’d sent inflammatory e-mails from Qumsiyeh’s e-mail account earlier in the year–but there’s no question he wrote this one. Not even he denies it!

I’ve asked her for links.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Hmm. The “hoax” link is to an email dated June of 2002, not 2003 — something I missed because the date was so close and, well, I’m an idiot. So all it proves is that his email was spoofed in the past. Other readers also say that Qumsiyeh admits sending this one. Here’s a link to a story in which he admits sending the email.

See, O’Reilly: here in the blogosphere we run corrections pretty damn fast — even when we were right to begin with!