PROF. STEPHEN ANTLER has taken over the EconoPundit blog. There’s a lot there that’s worth reading.

UPDATE: Speaking of econoblogging, Steve Verdon notes that claims that Bush caused the recession credit Bush with the power to travel in time, since the recession started in the winter of 2000, nearly a year before Bush took office.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Verdon emails that he said we were “heading toward” recession a year before Bush took office. I recall posting in Slate’s The Fray in March of that year, though, that I thought we were in recession, and I think we were. Blaming Bush for the recession is more revisionism, engaged in by people who certainly won’t give him any credit for the recovery.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Oops. I misremembered. At least this Fray post says it was May of 2000. I can’t find the original one, though — it seems to have vanished into the Slate maw.