BRAD DELONG’S BIGGEST FAN: So I got in the car to run errands, and as soon as it started the radio came on and to my amazement I heard Rush Limbaugh talking about the “blogosphere.” (Yes, he used that word, though his description was, ahem, not very clear.) And then he started quoting Brad De Long’s post on Hillary Clinton.

That’s the power of the Blogosphere, shaping the discussion in Big Media!

Meanwhile here’s a pretty good Business Week article on blogs, with a nice quote from Nick Denton:

“Blogs are Web media reborn,” declares Nick Denton, who authors his own, and has launched two for-profit blogs —, which is aimed at wealthy gadget lovers, and, a salacious run-down on New York media. “After the boom, Web media got a bad name,” Denton notes. “So we gave it a new one.”

Blogosphere power, baby.

UPDATE: Here’s somebody else who heard the same broadcast.