ANDREW SULLIVAN RAISED ABOUT TEN GRAND YESTERDAY, as part of his pledge week. Well, he is trying to turn himself into a self-sustaining media empire, and doing a pretty good job of it.

Donations around here, while much appreciated, were, er, rather a lot less. And that’s okay, since I’m not trying to create a self-sustaining media empire. But thanks to those who gave. I’m using the money for a series of sessions with a trainer who specializes in stretching exercises that remedy the problems caused by excessive computer use, something from which I definitely suffer.

Yeah, I know, it’s a Red Queen’s Race, using money from blogging to pay to remedy the problems caused by blogging. But whaddyagonnado?

Michele, meanwhile, says that she can offer things that Andrew, fortunately, can’t. I’ll bet her spine is more flexible than mine, too.