HOWELL RAINES: Alert reader John Robert Kelly points to John Ellis’s statement of over a year ago, quoted in this InstaPundit entry:

The Rainesian management model resembles a kind of anti-network; in which an ever-smaller number of people are engaged in the guidance and definition of the enterprise. As the network narrows, the center (Raines and his management team) grows in importance. At its worst, this kind of management leads to the Sun God management system, in which The Great Leader is surrounded by adoring sycophants. Raines is a prime candidate to fall into this trap, since his ego needs greatly exceed his management skills.

Here’s the link to the full Ellis post. It works at the moment, but as it’s a Blogspot site, well, no promises.

Meanwhile, given that Ellis proved so prescient about Howell Raines’ management issues, here’s something he noted last week that may prove just as prophetic:

The killer fact: Over the course of the last decade, New York City has added not one private sector job and nearly 100,000 public sector jobs. There’s a tipping point for most everything and New York City is in danger of tipping over.
