WHAT WOULD BUGS BUNNY DO? Reader Shawn Lavasseur emails:

It’s Ironic that with the early buzz about “Shock & Awe” and the MOAB bomb, that the real big military technological advancement shown in this war is not the bomb with a bigger bang, but a bomb with no bang at all, the “Concrete Bomb”, a GPS guided bomb meant to smash into things, but not explode.

Or as I prefer to call it the ACME Guided Anvil.

Yes. I hope it produces the standard Warner-Brothers whistling sound as it falls.

UPDATE: Reader George Walton emails:

Reminds me of an Albert Einstein remark: He didn’t know what weapons would be used to fight World War III, but he know what would be used for WW IV — rocks.

A really smart man!

And really smart rocks.