MORE CRITICISM OF CNN’S SUCKING-UP to tyrants, this time from Bruce Feirstein. Excerpt:

Having said this, however, what really surprises me is that no one else in journalism has pointed out the bigger lie here:

For over fifteen years, CNN has made a point of broadcasting propaganda in return for access. But in this case, the access isn’t about bureaus, or reporters, but rather, the CNN signal itself.

Since 1987, CNN International has broadcast a weekend show called “World Report,” whose introduction might as well have been written by George Orwell: The announcer boasts that the reports are “uncensored and unedited,” from local television stations (read: government controlled) in nations that allow CNN to broadcast within their borders.

I used to get this program some years ago, and it was appalling. I remember a tour of the Cameroonian Minister of Communications’ mansion getting 15 minutes. At the end I was convinced that he, and CNN, were both utterly corrupt. After reading this report, I’m pretty sure I was right about both. . . .