IT’S NICE TO SEE SOMEONE RECOGNIZE THAT HE HAS A PROBLEM — but this cure seems rather drastic:

I HAVE BEEN REMARKABLY DILIGENT in keeping up with the news from the war in Iraq–some might say a little too diligent. I was the first one on my block to track the Command Post hour by hour, and I recall with a surge of pleasure the first time I got to a juicy story before Glenn Reynolds could link to it on Instapundit. But when I realized that it had become my chief goal in life to get Andrew Sullivan to post one of my letters on his website, I began to wonder if I had not misaligned my priorities. Clearly it was time to take a break from the passionate intensity of war reportage, the struggle to sift through the vast complexities of Operation Iraqi Freedom and bring some order from the chaos of data. In short, I needed some light entertainment.

So I started reading Robert Fisk.

Ouch. I know that treating an addiction requires forceful steps, but. . . Wouldn’t a coffee enema or electroshock have been drastic enough?

Oh, well. At least he’s not blogging on his honeymoon.