MAYBE NOT IN YOURS, but in my freakin’ name, anyway.

Meanwhile Janet Daley wonders when the left will apologize:

I have this delightful fantasy of left-wingers throughout the Western world putting their hands up and saying: “Well, actually we got that a little bit wrong.” And maybe even deciding that, since their analysis of the war was mistaken, their diagnosis of the peace might be open to question too.

But I’m not holding my breath. Those for whom America is always wrong will not be slowed down by this momentary setback. Rather like Mr al-Sahaf, they will not even appear to notice the tanks in the streets of their ideological neighbourhood. They will look away from the welcoming crowds of Basra (yes, they really did cheer, once it was safe to do so) and just move smartly on to the next American “crime against humanity”.

Yep. But not many people will listen to a crowd that has squandered its remaining moral and intellectual capital — again.