JOSH CHAFETZ OFFERS AN APPALLING REPORT of an effort to intimidate an antiwar student at Yale.

The story, frankly, seems hard to believe to me — not only does it not sound like Yale students to do such a thing, it doesn’t sound like the way Yale students would do such a thing if they did, if that makes sense. But Josh says he has it on good authority.

UPDATE: Bruce Bridges is skeptical:

This sounds suspiciously like an urban legend. First, never trust a story from a friend of a friend. Especially if the person telling the story assures you that this one friend is very reliable. All urban legends are passed around like that.

Second, it just sounds like an urban legend. Over the past couple of years the many reports of attacks on Muslims have often proved to be fabricated. I’m not doubting that there are some idiots out there but I wouldn’t believe this unless I heard verifiable proof.

I could be wrong of course.

We’ll see. I’m trusting Josh pretty heavily here, but I’d feel more comfortable if the victim had a name.

ANOTHER UPDATE: A reader points out that the Yale story sounds suspiciously similar to this account placed at Wheaton College. Of course, it’s always possible that they’re both true, though two such incidents of pro-flag ruffianism in northeastern college communities seem a bit unlikely. And there’s nothing in today’s Yale Daily News.Stay tuned.