CINDERELLA HAS TRANSLATED an interview with Pascal Bruckner from Le Figaro. It’s well worth reading in its entirety, but here’s an excerpt:
LF:Is Europe currently in the process of leaving history, as Robert Kagan, a man close to the American administration, claims?
PB: Europe is characterized by the desire to leave history for good, including its own history. One of the most obvious signs was its passivity in the face of the Yugoslavian crisis, which it only emerged from in 1995, in Sarajevo, then in 1999, in Kosovo, thanks to American intervention. In 1999, in the Kosovo affair, Europe was so insistent that NATO strikes on Serbia and Montenegro should be kept to a minimum that the American general responsible for operations exclaimed: “No more interventions with partners like this!”
He is, however, somewhat pessimistic regarding Iraqi reconstruction even though he supports the removal of Saddam.