I’LL BE ON BBC RADIO 5 in about twenty minutes, at roughly 10:50 Eastern.
In the meantime, watch this Canadian debate on the war. The one big loser is Chretien.
UPDATE: I’m on hold right now. They called me and said “hello, Salam!” But apparently Salam Pax won’t actually be on — they’re having an impersonator read from his weblog or something. We’ll see.
ANOTHER UPDATE: It went well enough, I think. I was uncomfortable doing a show that mentioned Salam, but the producer told me that they’ve already done that a number of times, so I guess it’s not making anything worse — and I don’t think my presence made any difference anyway. But Salam, if you’re reading this, you’ve developed an awfully high profile lately. You might want to drop out of sight for a while. It’ll be over soon enough (well, not soon enough), and you can blog then. People will still care.
I hope that some of the first journalists into Baghdad once this is over will track Salam down and interview him. Once this is over.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Al Barger says we don’t need to worry about Salam.