THESE MUSLIM TERRORISTS in India just killed more people than the entire Iraqi Army has managed since the war began.
Yeah, I know, they’re not strictly comparable, but it does add some perspective. Here’s more.
And James Morrow has some other comparison numbers, and points to this poll suggesting that Americans aren’t as easily panicked as the media:
More than seven in 10 Americans currently back the president’s decision to go to war, unchanged from the start of the campaign. Seven in 10-71 percent-approve of the way he is handling the situation in Iraq, up six percentage points from three days ago and higher than at any time in the past seven months. And Bush’s overall job approval rating was unchanged at 68 percent.
The survey found that eight in 10 Americans believe the campaign is going well, although only about a third said it was going “very well” for the United States. Even opponents acknowledged that the invasion seemed to be accomplishing its goals: 63 percent of those against the war also said it was going well for allied forces.
Overall, two in three said the war to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction was progressing about as they had expected-and more Americans (19 percent) said the conflict was going better than they anticipated than those who thought it was going worse (10 percent). . . .
Despite reports Sunday of fierce fighting and growing allied dead or wounded, half of those interviewed said that the number of U.S. military dead and wounded so far in the war were about what they expected them to be. One in four said casualties were greater than they initially thought and an equal proportion said the losses were smaller than they had anticipated.
Interesting. They must read Lileks.