DRIVING INTO WORK I noticed some signs along Kingston Pike that seem to offer support for the war effort. This one, from an outfit that sells fresh seafood, is pretty straightforward: “Bombs bursting in air for freedom.” No doubt this sentiment would horrify the folks at the BBC.
The “support the troops” motif was somewhat more common. Here’s an example of a hardware store that’s selling at cost to military families, and encouraging others to do the same nationwide. Well, I hope that this gets the message out — it’s certainly a nice thing to do.
This sign doesn’t really relate to the war at all, except, I suppose, in the fevered “crusader” slogans of some Islamists and BBC talking heads. But although I found the message a bit muddled, theologically speaking, I thought it was funny enough to include here.
I’ll keep my eyes open for interesting signage. You do the same.