DENVILLE — Holding signs that read “Honk if you hate Saddam” and “Honk if you support our troops,” about 50 boisterous but orderly Denville middle school students held a pro-war rally Friday on Main Street.

The spontaneous demonstration began when students, on their way home from Valleyview School after a half-day, picked up cardboard and started scrolling their feelings on the makeshift signs.

Slowly, more children joined in and, by 1:30 p.m., the students had seized the corner of Broadway and East Main Street — to the delight of the multitude of passing motorists honking horns around them.

“Too many people are against the war,” said 14-year-old Zac Walsh, one of three students who organized the rally. “We wanted to show our support for it.”

Here’s a list of pro-liberation rallies, most with pictures. I haven’t seen much reporting on these, though I understand that Ashleigh Banfield covered one yesterday.

UPDATE: Here are pictures from a pro-America demonstration in Knoxville. Looks roughly comparable to the anti-war demos here in terms of size, but I didn’t see it.