AN INTERESTING COINCIDENCE relating to the D.C. sniper.

UPDATE: Here’s more. This is very troubling if it turns out to be true. (LATER: Dixie Flatline clarifies and retracts a few of his more overwrought statements, which he added in response to Oliver Willis after I initially linked this report. I’m not surprised. Everybody gets overheated from time to time. Even Oliver.)


“Two men are being held, one of which is a Muslim soldier who is an engineer,” Ramsay said.

“It appears he was hiding in a barrack where the attacks happened. A second man, who we believe is not an American soldier, is being held by the military.

“As the man who carried out the attack moved away there was some shooting. He was shot in the leg. He was held on the ground less than 100 yards from where the attack happened.”

He said fears about the Muslim soldier’s behaviour had been raised in recent days by colleagues.

As I say, troubling. Here’s another report, via Howard Owens’ constantly updated warblog.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Tacitus has more.