AMBUSHED: 2 slain police officers ‘never had a chance’ in Texas shooting, chief says.
Two police officers who were responding to a disturbance call were killed Saturday in a South Texas town after a suspect met the officers at the door and shot them, police say.
The shooting happened so quickly that “our officers did not draw their weapons, did not fire, never stood a chance – never had a chance,” McAllen, Texas, Police Chief Victor Rodriguez said in a statement to the media.
The police department learned about the fatal shooting when other officers stopped by the scene to do a routine check, Rodriguez said.
The officers were responding to reports of a violent disturbance, Rodriguez said. “They were doing their job. That is what we are supposed to do.”
The officers approached the door of the residence after meeting people outside the house who reported that a disturbance or assaults were occurring inside, Rodriguez said.
Blue lives matter too, though it can be worth your job to say so some places, these days.