WI-FI RULES: Spent a little time at the Downtown Grill and Bar, a brewpub owned by a friend from high school, and persuaded them to add free wireless Internet access.

There are a lot of people moving to fancy downtown apartments in Knoxville’s Old City, and they think that this will be a lure for business, especially during off-hours. I think they’re right. And since my readers — to judge by email — have a rather strong interest in the Knoxville barmaid community, I’m including this photo, taken atop the brewing tanks. The IPA is especially good.

UPDATE: Hey, Stephen Green is following my example:

Later tonight, my brother-in-law Rick and I will go support the troops by over-tipping cute cocktail waitresses who might have boyfriends or husbands serving in Iraq, right now as we speak.

Frankly, I’m shocked and saddened that no one else has had the courage to do something for these brave gals, and I assure you Rick and I are both beaming with pride at the prospect of tonight’s patriotic action.

He’s a great American.