THE EARTH FIRST! PROTEST AGAINST WAR that I reported below drew a spontaneous counterprotest, described by reader John Jenkins who was kind enough to send along a photo:

Thought you’d be interested – it appears that someone decided to “liberate” a half-dozen or so of the Earth First group’s NO WAR IN IRAQ signs that they had out today.

A few hours later, they were returned to their original locations, but with a few changes… This was done to the sounds of honking and cheering from many others in vehicles along Kingston Pike and down the ramp to Interstate 40. I saw much of this while driving by, and my friend was quick enough to get a picture of one of the signs.

Ordinarily I would disapprove of such behavior, but as Earth First! was willing to appropriate someone else’s sign for its protest, I guess this sort of turnabout counts as fair play.