European Central Bank Chairman Wim Duisenberg should be fired because he supports his wife Gretta’s anti-Israel positions and embrace of Yasser Arafat, a leading Dutch parliamentarian visiting Jerusalem said Sunday.

Jim Jansen van Raaij, deputy chairman of the Dutch parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said he wrote the Dutch finance minister Sunday demanding Duisenberg be replaced.

Van Raaij’s call following Gretta Duisenberg’s comments during a visit to Ramallah that Israel’s occupation is “inhuman,” and that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon provokes violence and “then he blames the Palestinian people.”

On Friday, the Dutch paper Algemeen Dagblad quoted her as saying, “The Holocaust excepted, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories is worse than the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.”

“The Holocaust excepted.” But then, for these people, it always is.