KEVIN PHILLIPS says that the Democrats are in trouble — losing ground with blacks, latinos, and working-class whites — because of their pursuit of big-money donors. And he identifies a particularly damaging constituency:

In California, for example, it is Democrats who are favored by the state’s largest and richest industry: communications and entertainment. Davis had so much money this year that he might have been better named Green Davis. Much of this moola, however, comes with the same price tag that usually accompanies GOP money: fealty to those who contribute it and diminished interest in the day-to-day concerns of ordinary working Americans.

Some entertainment industry money is, in a sense, worse, because it mixes fat-wallet economics with liberal chic, the kind of cultural politics caricatured in Middle America by jokes about Concerned Citizens for Humane Lobster Traps or epitomized by the decision in San Francisco last year to allow city employees to have sex-change operations at public expense. Hollywood combines both Democratic weaknesses in one Gucci briefcase.

And the Gucci briefcase belongs to Jack Valenti. Or maybe Hillary Rosen.

(Via Armed Liberal).