THIS SEEMS PLAUSIBLE: The Joe Biden Theory and the Ukrainian macguffin. “At first Biden is reluctant to run. But in the spring of 2019 he gets wind of Trump investigating his corruption in Ukraine – and he immediately enters the race on 4/25/19. On the trail he looks old, tired, and his heart just isn’t in it. Why do it then? Because it’s about a lot more things than simply running for president. If Trump isn’t stopped, the entire Biden family’s dirt will come out. At this point, the only way to avoid or at least to delay it is Biden being in the race: the news of his corruption can then be discredited as usual electioneering and Trump’s dirty tricks. . . . What are the Dems covering up in Ukraine? It must be big if they staged an impeachment and risked their entire political capital over it.”

UPDATE: Flashback: Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?