MADONNA BEATEN BY ANIMATED ASPARAGUS: And there’s a bit of un-Christian gloating about it.

UPDATE: Reader Scott Helgeson writes:

Not only is Madonna being beaten by asparagus, so is Michael Moore. Madonna’s movie made half a million in a week. Moore’s movie has grossed $200,000 in the 3 days its been out. If it continues at that rate, in 4 days Madonna and Moore will be neck and neck. (I apologize for the visual image that conjures up.) Now the box office over the weekend will probably be higher, but this seems like a story worth watching. Moore vs. Asparagus! Who will win?

If the asparagus has cheese sauce, I’m betting on Moore. More seriously, this is probably an unfair comparison to Moore — documentaries don’t usually do as well as feature films — but on the other hand he’s gotten an extraordinary amount of coverage.