HERE’S THE FULL TEXT of a post of mine from yesterday:

ED LAZARUS IS DEEPLY CONFUSED according to this post at the Volokh Conspiracy. In fact, it is reported, he has the import of Nobel Economist Vernon Smith’s work exactly backwards.

Now here’s how Brad DeLong abbreviated it on his page:

According to Instapundit,

“ED LAZARUS IS DEEPLY CONFUSED… has the import of Nobel Economist Vernon Smith’s work exactly backwards.”

Now, to be fair, DeLong links to me, so that anyone who followed the link wouldn’t be confused. But anyone who didn’t would be inclined to think that Eugene Volokh’s ideas were mine. That probably works to my benefit, of course, since Eugene Volokh is sufficiently smart that any association with him is likely to add lustre to my reputation, but it’s still a bit odd, especially given how brief the original post was. (In fact, the ideas in question, which DeLong attributes to Eugene, are actually from another poster at The Volokh Conspiracy, but to figure that out you’d have to follow a second link. I presume that this is merely an oversight on DeLong’s part).

Or was DeLong just trying to troll me into linking his page? D’oh!

UPDATE: DeLong’s corrected the post. Thanks!