THE THAW: A German reader writes:

I’ve not seen it reported in the English-speaking media, but Bush sent a letter of congratulation to the president of Germany on the anniversary of reunification.

At the celebration in Berlin, which included the unveiling of the newly renovated Brandenburg Gate, German president Johannes Rau gave profuse thanks to America for it contributions to German reunification.

Spiegel is talking about a thaw…

Here’s a story that echoes the comments above. Yes, Bush seems to have calculated that Schroder has sweated enough, and that with his fragile coalition facing serious budget problems he’ll be ready to display a little cooperation. Schroder has seen that there’s a price to pay when you cross the United States, and Bush thinks he’s learned his lesson, and is extending the olive branch in a way that subtly reminds the Germans of the American role over the past many decades.

Pretty subtle stuff, for a dumb cowboy who doesn’t know anything about diplomacy.