HERE’S AN INTERESTING ARTICLE on GlobalSecurity.Org, which is functioning almost as a public intelligence agency:

“We’re doing a better job explaining the (American) government’s case (for military action) than the government is,” added John Pike,’s director.

His five-person group, founded in December 2000 and operating out of a basement in the Washington suburbs, has a “pathetic” budget of only a few hundred thousand dollars. The money comes mostly from charitable groups with an interest in preventing nuclear proliferation, like the Scherman and Colombe foundations.

With such meager resources, Pike noted, his group wouldn’t be able to produce a “smoking gun image” definitively showing the state of Saddam’s nuclear program.

But, he said, GlobalSecurity can show that “facilities known to be previously associated with weapons of mass destruction have been rebuilt and are currently active.”

Shouldn’t somebody be troubled that John Pike is doing a better job of making the government’s case than the government is?