DICK GEPHARDT HAS EMAILED ME (er, well, Dick Gephardt’s office has emailed me, er well, okay, actually it’s someone in Dick Gephardt’s office) a link to this Flash commercial on prescription drugs.

No offense — and entirely aside from content — I just think it’s kind of, well, lame. Compare it to this one from FlashBunny, for example. To be fair, it’s longer. But it’s longer because it’s full of facts and arguments. It also has graphics, not just words on a page. And it uses sound better (though only at the end). Maybe the Dems need a new contractor for this stuff.

UPDATE: A reader asks: “The URL is .gov. Are we paying for this? Isn’t that illegal, and ironic considering the ruckus the dems raised over that minor state dept. link.” Beats me. I’ll email ’em.

ANOTHER UPDATE: And here’s the reply:

Thanks for posting the link. We truly appreciate it. I produced the spot which is intended to inform visitors to the site. As a government employee working on government time, the answer to the question is yes it was paid for with taxpayer money. While the Flash format is something new, the function of it is really no different from a number of other efforts by both Democrats and Republicans to inform the public about our efforts on Capitol Hill. From press releases to PowerPoint presentations to websites, House members use a number of different tools to inform the public and their constituents. That is the purpose of this Flash movie.

So there you have it.