MICKEY KAUS says the blogosphere rules when it comes to coverage of the Bob Greene, er, affair. But even the Blogosphere isn’t perfect:

Still there’s one last level of artifice, even in the blogosphere: Why do men — like Scalzi here, or Warren Beatty in Shampoo (or whoever wrote Warren Beatty’s lines in Shampoo) — have to explain their desire to have sex with attractive women in terms of a struggle against mortality (“middle-age-death-denying” in Scalzi’s words)? You mean they wouldn’t have sex with young girls if they were in good shape and knew they were going to live to be 300? They didn’t want to have sex with young girls when they were young themselves? It’s sex! Millions of years of evolution have designed men to want it and enjoy it.. It’s stupid to try to explain this urge in some highfalutin’ literary or spiritual way — and revealing that even relatively no-BS men like Scalzi (or Nick Hornby in High Fidelity, to name another) feel that they have to.

It’s sexism, Mickey — they’re afraid of the Sisterhood and its patriarch/rake dichotomy where male sexuality is concerned.

UPDATE: TAPPED is unashamedly defending Greene’s sexuality. Oh, and Eugene Volokh, who’s on a roll today, has some observations too.