AN INTERESTING OBSERVATION BY LILEKS (Yeah, I know, I should just write a script that’ll put this and a link at the top of each day’s entries). But still:

A year or so ago, the majority of bookmarks were institutional. Now the first tier are all individual names, which I’d list but it’s late at night and I’m too tired to link. (Soon, I promise, I will.)

I don’t know any of these guys, and I wouldn’t know them if I ran into them at the market. Well, maybe Glenn and Sullivan, because they have pictures, but Welch would have to wear the hat. Nevertheless, the names mean something right away – a tone, a particular view or concern. In one year, the blogosphere has accomplished what it takes newspapers years to do: make brand names out of individual writers.

I like the William Safire blog-excerpt, too. And the link between John Bunyan and Chuck Berry.