A BUNCH OF PEOPLE HAVE SENT EMAILS saying “I know you’ve wrapped up Sweden, but. . . .” I think this issue has been done to death, but maybe I’ll do one more post tonight or tomorrow if I can find the motivation.

UPDATE: Reader Jim Hogue emails: “Hell, keep it up!! I can hear left leaning liberals frothing at mouth and grinding their teeth all the way down here in Texas!!” Well, that’s not actually a goal here at InstaPundit, but it’s amazing the degree of emotional or political investment some people have in the idea of Sweden being a “beacon of light,” as a visit to Alterman’s page today will demonstrate. (Nobody’s mentioning the Nazis, or the eugenics, though.) I may do something later — and if you’ve missed anything, just go to the search window and type in “Sweden.”

Regardless, however, I predict that Sweden’s appeal will drop now that the whole wild-sex thing appears to be a myth.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Kevin Drum of CalPundit writes: “I wouldn’t blame you if you skipped another post on the Sweden thing. It’s probably not worth keeping something like this going.” Well, it does tend to resemble Usenet after a while. We’ll see how energetic I feel later.