MCKINNEY UPDATE: At the moment, with 46% of the vote in, McKinney is behind Majette, 34% to 66%, which isn’t a sure-thing loss yet but is looking pretty close. (But Insider Advantage says McKinney will roar back at the end and make it a cliffhanger).

Hmm. Assuming she loses, what (or who) will she blame it on tomorrow?

John Linder has been declared the winner over Bob Barr by a hefty margin. Guess Barr, er, shot himself in the foot in this race.

UPDATE: Looks like a bad night for Cynthia’s father, State Rep. Billy McKinney, too. Only 33% of the vote is in (and none from Fulton County) — but at the moment he’s taking a beating with 11.2% of the vote. I’m going to bed, though, so if you want more updates go on over to Reid Stott’s for up-to-the-minute information and local color. In the meantime, I’m projecting that tomorrow’s political commentary will bemoan the loss of colorful characters like Barr and McKinney as politics gets more serious. But that’s just a guess.