CHARLES JOHNSON has found something really disturbing. It’s a website featuring a chatboard for Islamic youth where they talk about murdering and decapitating jews, complete with supporting Koranic authority. Some are in America, and Canada. Excerpt:

hmmmmm has anyone here seen rushthroat?? where the mujahideen get a knife stab it into a jews throat and rips da head off and the jewz making all these sick


i’m gonna try this on some jew right now LOL


UPDATE: Just saw that James Lileks has written about this too. His piece is long, sensitive, and moving, everything that my post isn’t. Go read it.

ANOTHER UPDATE: A reader writes:

The comparison for me to the chat room would be the various white supremacist web pages and chats (who are often equally convinced that God is on their side). The comparison between White Supremacists and Islamic Fanatics is perfectly apropos…

Yes, and they get along pretty well, actually. Except that White Supremacists can’t play the multiculti card.