And to think that a whole swathe of wet leftie know-nothings (including Assad’s man in the UNGA) called Jenin an instance of Israeli ‘brutality.’ Do any of them really know what brutality looks like? Were Israel to act like just another Middle Eastern shitpile, there wouldn’t be a terrorism problem in Israel because there wouldn’t be any terrorists because they, and their families, and their neighbours, and their neighbours’ neighbours would all be dead or deported to Jordan. Why send in the IDF on foot into Jenin going from house to house when they could simply have used the Assad method: encircle the town with tanks and artillery pieces and simply reduce it to rubble? Why bother with the specific targetting of militants when it would be far more thorough to simply do what the Kuwaitis did after the Gulf War, and expel a few hundred thousand Palestinians? When Israel occupied Lebanon there was outraged condemnation. Now that Syria occupies Lebanon no one is interested. While Hafez al-Assad was flattening Hama, the UN were too busy fulminating about the IAF’s attack on Iraq’s nuclear reactors to notice.

And in spite of this, Boy Assad’s lackey is able to pontificate in the UNGA meetings as though he were Gandhi’s fucking star pupil. That’s what I hate about the UN.

Yes, and I notice a certain selective indignation among the U.S. “peace” crowd, too. And if you point out that Arab nations, almost without exception, act horribly, you get the usual bogus accusations of racism in response.

One thing I admire about Chapman is that, though he’s opposed to most of the U.S. war effort, he’s not an apologist (or blind-eye turner) for dictators who happen to be anti-Western, the way that so many self-styled “peace” activists seem to be.