MERYL YOURISH takes on a critic from MetaFilter. This is pretty much barrelfishing, but it’s kind of fun to watch. Excerpt:

There was no outrage from Todd on the attack of the bus filled with civilians only a couple of weeks ago. There were lots of posts by him insisting that the poor, downtrodden terrorists are only reacting to the evil wargmonger Sharon and those nasty “religious” settlers. Nothing on a five-year-old girl shot in her bed by a terrorist. After all, she was just one of those damned “settlers.” I believe Damian Penny found the phrase you’re looking for on nazimedia that’s currently in vogue: “future land thief.”

Let’s see if I can predict what Todd would say about those last: “cycle of violence, yada yada yada, despair, no hope, occupation, yada yada yada.”

I’ll pass. It gets tiresome after a while, listening to people like Todd keep making excuses for murderers, and then getting on the case of those of us who refuse to do so. Funny. Gandhi and King made their points and changed their societies without resorting to murdering grandmothers and their grandchildren in an ice cream parlor. And yet, the Palestinians are all given a bye—by reasonable people like Todd.

Tiresome, indeed.