MEANWHILE, COEDS AND FEMALE FACULTY WEAR PUSSYHATS WITH IMPUNITY: Virginia Tech on the hunt for campus penis artists. “A torrent of penis drawings in different locations across the Virginia Tech campus last fall drew numerous bias complaints from students, leaving university administrators grappling for answers as to whether the university had been targeted by a penis-drawing bandit.”
The bias is in treating penis drawings as a species of hate, while exalting pussyhats and Vagina Monologues. Seems like a Title IX violation to me. And I’m glad to see that the male students at Virginia Tech have started fighting back by filing complaints of their own:
When a male student told a female student that the “Reagan-Bush ‘84” T-shirt he was wearing was not “sarcastic,” she yelled “fuck you!” at him. The reporting student, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, suggested this was a slander against his “gender expression, gender identity, race, religion, ethnic origin,” and “color.”
More like this, please. Make the enemy live up to his her own book of rules.