BEN DOMENECH HAS TAKEN THE BAIT with my earlier post on Judy Levine and teen sexuality. He emailed that he wanted to be sure he hasn’t misconstrued my own views. He hasn’t.

You’ll have to scroll, because — in the latest weird Blogger behavior — his permalinks aren’t working. Or, well, they work in that they take you somewhere — they just take you to a different post than the one the permalink is supposed to go with.

I don’t know what the problem is. I unsubscribed from Blogger’s email list a while back; I’m still technically a subscriber, I guess, but I don’t use it anymore.

It pains me to see it having so many problems. Blogger has done great things, and I probably wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t existed. But it seems to be developing more problems, not fewer, over time.

All I can say is, if this is too much for you Blogger users, Movable Type seems to work fine, and Stacy Tabb sure made the move painless for me.

UPDATE: Here’s another view, from The Compleat Iconoclast.