TURN IN A COP, GO TO JAIL: The guy who shot the video of the Los Angeles police beating has been arrested as he waited to be interviewed by CNN:

Amateur photographer Mitchell Crooks was arrested outside CNN’s Los Angeles bureau where he was scheduled for an interview. Witnesses said he was screaming as he was driven away by plainclothes officers.

Authorities said Crooks was taken to the grand jury investigating the beating case. He had failed to appear before the jury Thursday morning as scheduled. Authorities said his arrest was unrelated to that case.

Sorry, but I don’t believe there’s anything routine about this. It looks like an attempt to intimidate a witness. Somebody at the L.A. County D.A.’s office should lose his/her job over it.

UPDATE: Hmm. Read this phone transcript. The DA doesn’t look any better.

I’ve been agnostic on this story — but now LA is acting like it’s got something to hide. That makes me believe they’re guilty.