BYRON YORK: Key House Republican on Pelosi impeachment pullback: ‘I don’t buy it.’

The reason, he explained, is not that he doubts Pelosi’s sentiments. It is that he doubts her ability to impose her will on House Democrats.

“The Speaker, while she controls the House, doesn’t control her own party,” Brady said. “And there is a real rush to impeachment here in the House. We’re seeing that with [Judiciary Committee chairman] Jerry Nadler, we’re seeing it with the investigative committees, we’re seeing it in the Ways and Means Committee.”

Brady pointed to recent moments when Democratic opposition forced Pelosi to back down from her personal positions. “The Speaker wasn’t for term limits; her party forced her to do it. She wasn’t for watering down the anti-Semitism resolution; her party forced her to do it. She’s not for Medicare-for-all; she says her party is forcing her to do it.”

Indeed, while no one knows the deepest feelings of each Democratic member, there is no doubt that Democratic voters, the ones who sent the current class to Congress, strongly favor impeachment. In exit polls from last November’s midterm elections, 77 percent of Democrats answered “Yes” to the question, “Should Congress impeach Trump?”

“She’s trying to tamp this down for political purposes, as she was before the election,” Brady said. “But her conference just seems hell-bent on this rush to impeachment.”

The Girondists always lose out to the Montagnards eventually.