I HOPE HE STICKS AROUND LONG ENOUGH FOR A TRUMP CALL-OUT AT THE STATE OF THE UNION: Virginia governor clings to office, ignoring calls to resign.

Meanwhile, from the comments to this post:

“Ralph Northam Joke Book”

Who was Governor Northam’s favorite actor?

John Wilkes Booth

What does Northam call a maternity ward?

A morgue

What’s Northam’s favorite movie?

Partial Birth of a Nation

What’s his second favorite movie?

13 Years a Slave

What’s his favorite Clint Eastwood movie?

Hang ‘Em High

What was Northam’s least favorite movie?


What kind of maternity card does Northam send new mothers?

A sympathy card

What’s the Governor’s personal motto?

“If at first you don’t Secede, try try again”

What’s the average life expectancy in Northam’s state?

Nine months

What’s Northam’s favorite Virginia auto dealer?

Coon’s ford

Who will Northam pick to head Virginia’s infant services?

Dr. Jack Kevorkian

What’s the Governor’s least favorite car?

a Lincoln continental

What’s Northam’s favorite part of any city?

the Hood

How does Northam describe his welfare system, and a maternity ward?

“From cradle to grave”

What’s the Governor’s preferred method of public transportation?

The Underground Railroad

Who was Northam’s favorite President?

Jefferson Davis

What are Northam’s favorite books?

the Clan of the cave bear

Confederacy of Dunces

What is Gov. Northam’s favorite bird?

Jim Crow

Who are Northam’s favorite aristocrats?

The Dukes of Hazzard, and David Duke

Who are Northam’s least favorite aristocrats?

Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Prince

What was Northam voted as in his college yearbook?

Most likely to Secede

Who is Northam’s favorite general, and his usual response to an accusation?


What are Northam’s chances of remaining Governor?

Gone with the Wind

How does Ralph Northam describe the sides of an isosceles triangle?

Separate But Equal
