VATICAN SUICIDE! Check out these comments on the American press’s coverage of the Catholic sex scandals, from Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga. It’s not the Church’s fault for covering up thousands of instances of abuse, and leaving the perpetrators in a position to do it again. Oh, no. It’s the press’s fault for reporting it! Oh, and it’s the Jews’ fault, too, since they’re just trying to get back at the Church for its pro-Palestinian position. I would say that we’re seeing not just sympathy for Palestinians, but an adoption of Arafat-like attitudes toward the value of external scrutiny.

Moral authority? What frickin’ moral authority? You wouldn’t have to look far to find hookers and publicans with a better moral compass. Hmm. . . .

UPDATE: Here’s more damning evidence.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Gregory Popcak writes that the Bishops are guilty of a mortal sin for covering the offenses up. And Kathy Shaidle of Relapsed Catholic spotted my reference above, emailing:

Matthew 21: 32

Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.”

Just when we think the Curia can’t get any dumber…


Yes, that was the reference. Some things don’t change, apparently.

I’ve mostly stayed out of this whole matter, since it’s being amply addressed over at The Corner, and by the many erudite Catholic bloggers — and I have enough stuff to worry about as it is. But public statements like the one above — and the Vatican’s siding with Palestinians in the most atrocious ways — suggest to me that the Church’s lack of a moral compass has consequences that make it an issue for everyone. John Paul II came in with moral clarity. He’s not going out the same way. And when a potential successor feels free to mouth off as the Cardinal does, above, then there’s something deeply, deeply wrong, and it’s going to have serious consequences for the Church. As it should.