STEVEN DEN BESTE says that global warming is the biggest snail darter in history. He zeroes in (scroll down) on another scam in a way that suggests he’s good at spotting bait-and-switch operations.

UPDATE: Allison disagrees, but I’m not persuaded. I do think that there are people who are far more anti-development than they are pro-environment. They’re like the communists who were angry not because so many were poor, but because some were ricH.

ANOTHER UPDATE: But Drudge is reporting that the Administration is about to do a one-eighty on global warming.

I can’t figure this administration out. It’s getting to be like Clinton without the bimboes.

STILL ANOTHER UPDATE: Ed Driscoll says that this is a preemptive strike aimed at taking an issue away from the Democrats for the ’04 elections, and that it’s a mistake.