WHY IS LEFTY POLITICS SUCH A CESSPIT OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND HYPOCRISY? Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse: Eric Schneiderman has raised his profile as a voice against sexual misconduct. Now, after suing Harvey Weinstein, he faces a #MeToo reckoning of his own.
Well, Eliot Spitzer crusaded against prostitutes, too.
UPDATE: NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is calling on Schneiderman to resign. And it seems as if Donald Trump had an inkling earlier.
ANOTHER UPDATE: From the Ronan Farrow New Yorker story: “After the former girlfriend ended the relationship, she told several friends about the abuse. A number of them advised her to keep the story to herself, arguing that Schneiderman was too valuable a politician for the Democrats to lose. She described this response as heartbreaking.”
Flashback: “The woman even said, according to the transcript of her interview with Portland, Ore., police made public on the Internet, that her ‘Birkenstock Tribe’ friends told her to ‘suck it up’ and not tell anyone or the ‘world’s going to be destroyed from global warming.’”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Schneiderman has resigned.