HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Indiana University of Pennsylvania has reinstated a conservative student who was temporarily banned from his religious studies class recently for disputing his instructor’s claims regarding the “reality of white male privilege.” “Lake Ingle was initially told that he could not finish the course, which he needs in order to graduate, unless he delivered an apology in front of the entire class and then sat silently while his peers and his professor judged him. . . . The incident appeared in national headlines, stoking public outcry, and Ingle reported in a Facebook status that a ruling on his case would be released on March 19. President Eugene Delgaudio of Public Advocate, an organization that describes itself as ‘a dedicated group of young conservatives in Washington, D.C.,’ filed a Letter of Complaint the morning of March 19 addressed to various federal authorities in response to IUP’s handling of the case.”

They always go full Red Guards, but as a famous American said, punch back twice as hard. And with the change in Administrations, the threat of complaints to the Department of Education and the Department of Justice carries more weight. Elections matter.