DAVID HARSANYI: A Letter To My 15-Year-Old Self. “You might find the solace of continuity in the fact that twelve politicians who are serving in Congress while you’re in high school will still be serving in Congress when your own kids are attending high school. Don’t. During the recent immigration debate, some of these elected officials were compelled to use a ‘talking stick’ — you know, the baton you pass around in kindergarten that gives you the right to speak but no one else — to communicate civilly with one another. Your government has the collective maturity of a 15-year-old boy. You should take no offense at this comparison. As I write this letter the government is trying to figure out how to stop today’s 15-year-olds from eating laundry-detergent pods and killing themselves. So, good work, Gen X. What we’re experiencing today is idiocy contagion, and few are immune.”
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